Saturday, February 11, 2012
The first day in Orlando at the Magic Kingdom!
Getting There!
Once after parking the vehicle, (you have to note where you've parked your car so at the end of the day, you know where to get it), everyone proceeded to get in the Disney trams.
These trams brought us to the ticket boot purchase.
Alexia with Piglet on her back...
and Yanik with Winnie the Pooh!
This is the monorail that transported the people to the main entrance at Disney.
In the monorail.
Alexia, surprised when the monorail moved.
Yanik and Pepere leaving the monorail.
At the Magic Kingdom!
Luc, Yanik, Alexia and Denise, at Disney's Entrance.
Alexia and Memere on Main Street, USA at the Magic Kingdom.
The Young Family posing on Main Street, USA at Disney.
Yanik doesn't seem sure about all this!
There were a lot of people and he didn't feel comfortable with all the noise.
Alexia on Denise's shoulder and Yanik on Pepere's shoulder. They had a better view that way!
And there was Mickey, Minnie and other Disney Characters at the Dream Along with Mickey Show.
The grandkids and the parents too enjoyed watching the show.
Yanik with Maman at The Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade.
And then Mickey and Minnie on the first float.
Alexia is really into it, she waved her hand through out the parade.
The Cinderella Float and Alexia's favorite princess.
Luc and Denise at the parade .
Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen Characters from the movie " Princess and the Frog".
Not just Alexia enjoying watching the parade. Denise is liking it too!
Yanik wasn't so sure about all this! Pepere had to take a few step back since the little boy was a bit scared.
And then Alexia took her picture with her favorite fairy "Tinker Bell".
Yanik having an ice cream. Yummy! Yummy!
Now Alexia is eating some cotton candy with Papa. She sure likes it, she's licking her lips!
The young kids with Maman in front of the Cinderella Castle.
Memere and Alexia happy to be at Disney.
While waiting in line for the attraction "It's A Small World", Alexia and Yanik playing together.
Alexia and Yanik played with their Walkie Talkie, so it kept them busy while in line.
Yanik with Maman and Papa at the attraction "It's A Small World".
Yanik looking at all the scenes!
Alexia with Pepere and Memere, all three enjoying the attraction.
One of the scenes of the attraction "It's A Small World", These monkeys are the same Yanik has as a plush toy and also on his hat.
Fireworks at the Cinderella Castle.
At the end of the day, Alexia got a Mickey Mouse Balloon. Only one problem! it had to be deflated for the trip back home on the airplane.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Then, the second day at the Animal Kingdom!
Posing at the front entrance of the park. Everyone was dressed warm. The weather was at 0 degrees C during the night.
Yanik always enjoyed being with Pepere.
And then, Alexia meeting Mickey dressed in Safari at Camp Mickey-Minnie. She was waiting for Mickey's autograph.
Yanik also went to see Mickey.
Memere also liked posing with Mickey!
Luc, Alexia and Pepere at the Festival of the Lion King, also located at Camp Mickey-Minnie.
Yanik didn't like that attraction, there was too much noise for him!
This attraction was a high-energy celebration with dance, music and acrobatics performances plus a sing along with the favorite character "Lion King"
The young family at the Africa Village.
Yanik playing the African drums.
And then, Alexia's turn!
And Yanik is still playing! It amused him for quite some time.
Alexia waiving during the parade.
Yanik didn't enjoy the noise too much!
Alexia kept waiving at every float that went by.
And the famous Donald Duck on a float!
After exploring all afternoon, everybody was hungry, so they headed out to eat in Asia's Yak & Yeti Restaurant. The food was great!
After eating, Yanik was full of energy again.
All eyes are on the front stage for the musical "Finding Nemo".
A musical stage production that brings the story "Finding Nemo" to life.
This show merged puppetry with live performances.
And, is the most recent addition in the park.
Alexia and Yanik at the attraction "The Boneyard". Alexia was digging for some wooly mammoth bones!
Yanik, trying to figure out where to start digging!
And then, he found a spot, at the vertabrae!
Alexia and Pepere playing around!
Monday, February 13, 2012
And the third day at SEA WORLD!
Alexia and Pepere looking at the flamingos.
Beautiful birds!
Maman and Alexia waiting to see Shamu, the famous whale at Sea World.
"One Ocean", an exciting show at the Shamu Stadium.
Very spectacular show!
The finally!
"Shark Encounter", A journey through the world's largest underwater viewing tunnel for a look at sharks and sawfish.
"Blue Horizons", a show about dolphins, birds and performers.
Papa and the two kids are really fixed on the performance.
Here you can see dolphin propelling a diver under water.
Alexia standing by a pink plush flamingo, pink being her favorite colour.
"Shamu Express", a rollercoaster ride for small children.
Alexia and Papa coming off the Shamu Express. Even though she wasn't tall enough, (OK when on tippy toes) they let her ride it anyway.
Pointing to Maman, where she had been! She screamed and loved it!
Alexia with Papa looking down!
Play area where you go through tunnels and walking on high netting. Look at Alexia and Papa up there!
And then, Yanik relaxing and gazing around while having a snack.
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